Staying in Playas de Nosara, on the Nicoya Peninsula right now. It is a beautiful place that was recommended to us by a fellow traveler in La Fortuna.
We wake up around 7:30 am every day to surf, then breakfast is a tropical fruit plate and granola, then do some yoga or mingling with the friendly group of Canadians staying next to us, then lunch of casados (rice, beans, chicken or fish, fried plaintains), then siesta, and at night time it´s time to party! There has been live music every night since we've been here. Our hostess, Brenda, who is a former professional boxer, takes us everywhere with her and introduces us to other locals and friends. She has even arranged for the three of us to go on a moon light horse back ride and gallup up and down the beach!
As much as I like Nosara, I´m ready to move on because this area is rather expensive due to North Americans (and probably other well-off foreigners) who have moved here and driven up the price of land. I can tell from speaking with a couple local business owners that there is resentment among some of the Ticos, but overall they´ve been pretty friendly.
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