Monday, March 17, 2008

Dispatch from Machu Picchu (by Sergio)

Machu Picchu was awesome! Jess is a little sunburned though. When the bus took off it was raining and jess was wearing a poncho we bought for $1. I think it was made from the same plastic as a hefty bag. We pretty much headed straight for Huaynapicchu when we found out they only let 400 people in per day. We were among the first to the top but found it a little crowded so we went down a few levels and found a nice spot to wait for the clouds to part. It got clear and hot by the time we left the ruins. I took tons of photos. We picked up a handy sim card reader that is about the size of a flash drive and are now able to upload photos. Check the blog Jess only has one up so far, but we´ll work on it more from Cusco.

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